Monday 28 March 2011

The Survey

hello everyone....'ey this is much of work really....i haven't talked to y'all in a while....hope you are good anyway. start of...where I was working really didn't have a specific office of PR, so I was really working with the department's boss. Well what we did here is my boss gave me an access to the statistics of the visitorship of the Monument. Well i had to carry out a research and find out how the place can attract more visitors since it was surrounded by some offices and there was a mall near it.

 There is also a SADC house which we found very useful because we could attract visitors from all the SADC countries who come to Botswana. Yeah well, it was quite scary, but I had to do it anyway- go office to office carry out an interview and give people some questionnaires on how they could be attracted to the place and also find out number of people working in those companies and offices. After this I had to compile and compare the numbers i found out and that of the statistics. Then come out with some ways with which the Monument management could use to attract more people to explore the history of Botswana.

The ways that I suggested were many, so the boss only asked me to make out a sample of a brochure which he thought may be the most important from the ones that i suggested. And i also made a booklet which the public suggested they need during the guide around the site, for reference after the visit.

Sample of the Brochure



Well that's it for today.....have yourselves a wonderful day! x

Saturday 19 March 2011

PR in Archaeology!

Hello again good people....
This is an update from the last post. Well today I'll be based on what I learnt on how PR works in the department of Archaeology. First you may need an insight of what really archaeology is. This is the study of of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of physical remains.

Well from the office I have learnt that archaeology is culture, it involves communities as the sites that are discovered are located or maybe located in areas where the people live. So here will come where PR and archaeology work together, as the management of the National Museum discover a site, they need to consult the public and let them know about the place and ask for permission from the headmen to conserve the site.

And again I have learnt that the office here works together again with the community through partnerships in conservation of these sites. What the National Museum has done is that they came up with some campaign programs that the community can join in order to be part of the conservation and some that can help them make money. for example they have a campaign called "Adopt A Monument".

 The "adopt a monument campaign" is a partnership program for sustainable involvement and participation of the members of the public, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and business community in the management and conservation of Botswana's cultural and natural heritage sites.  "Adopt a Monument" is an innovation derived from the vision and mission statements of the Botswana National Museum, which are based on the Nation's Vision 2016 of preserving and presenting cultural heritage towards a "united and proud nation". Based on the Botswana National Museum objective of increasing public participation in cultural development and preservation, this campaign is an opportunity for concerned persons, proactive citizens and institutions to affect destiny by taking active part in conserving Botswana's cultural and natural heritage resources.

The other thing I have learnt is that they work with all their key publics, workers, government, community and all the stakeholders, like partnering with other companies to help conserve Botswana. Not only that but they also have other private sponsors who they work with. And a good communication is kept, because from time to time there is an update of what is going on in the Museum that the stakeholders need to know. This was achieved through phone calls and meetings. yeah well the good thing here is that the interns were the ones communicating with these people and we were actually attending real meetings with our bosses.

So i'd say I really have learnt a lot in this department! Guys stay tunde ;-) I still gut a looot!! xx

Monday 14 March 2011

My first Day at Work...

Hello Everyone!!
This is an introduction to what I did during my internship.
 Well, I have always dreamed to see myself in the front office, working with clients of a company or in the office doing some work. This was kind of a dream come true even though it was a practical of my Public Relations module.The good thing about it was that I was working just like everyone in the field, not as a student, so I would say it was quite a memorable experience. During my stay at the National Museum, Botswana, in the Department of Archaeology, I had to work as a public relations personnel and put into practice what I have learnt at Limkokwing University. I worked at the Three Dikgosi Monument which is under the National Museum and also took some tasks at the National Museum. Well, yeah, most of the tasks was assigned to me and I had to work as my own boss, I only consulted my supervisor when the need arised.
There's more to come....lets share the experience...Ciao!!